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Biolac (12Tab)/(30Tab)


  • Balance the digestive system.
  • Treat acute diarrhea and diarrhea caused by infection including diarrhea from antibiotic use.
  • Treat chronic constipation.
  • Relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a bowel disease that causes stomach pain and abdominal distension. There is a problem with the excretory system.
  • Strengthen the body’s immune system and relieve various skin rashes.

Product details

  • Probiotic supplements produced with superior technology, it is a new innovation of double layer microbial encapsulation technology which can help protect probiotic microorganisms or healthy microorganisms to live and can tolerate stomach acid and bile from the liver. When it passes into the small and large intestines contributing to supporting microorganisms to multiply and grow in the intestinal tract. This technology enables probiotic microorganisms to be resistant to moisture, heat and pressure when pelleting and can maintain the condition of microorganisms to live at room temperature as well.
  • Outer coating: protects microorganisms from moisture, heat, process (impact pressure from tablet press) allows longer storage at room temperature. The outer coating is dissolved by gastric acid (pH 6-7), leaving only live microorganisms that are wrapped with an inner coating that can pass into the small intestine.
  • Inner coating: protects microorganisms from stomach acid and bile from the liver allowing microorganisms to pass through the intestines. The small and large intestines are acidic (pH 6-7) that is suitable for dissolving the inner coating allowing live microorganisms to come out and continue to grow in the small and large intestines.Ingredients: In 1 tablet contains microorganisms.

(1) 6 types of probiotics are:

– Lactobacillus acidophillus

– Bifidobacterium bifidum

(2) One type of prebiotic is Fructooligosaccharide.

  • Form : Chewable tablet in 1 tablet (750 mg) contains probiotic microorganisms a total of not less than 5 billion.
  • Mechanism of action: Probiotic microorganisms stick to the intestinal wall and dividing more cells. This helps to prevent pathogenic microorganisms from sticking to the intestinal wall and secrete toxins that cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Stimulates the body’s immune system and promotes the absorption of certain minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc by rapidly multiplying in the ileum and large intestine.

How to use

  • For adults: 1-2 tablets per day (before or after meals).
  • For the treatment of acute symptoms or prevention of diarrhea before a long trip or if you have chronic constipation or inflammation, should be continued for at least 4 weeks.
  • For children: take 1 tablet daily.


  • BioLac should be avoided with hot beverages as the heat may result in the death of microorganisms.
  • Immunocompromised patients, cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy need to get advice from a doctor.
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

12 tablets, 30 tablets


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